By Frank “Weekie” Podraza, Apr. 6, 2024

Castle Wars is a Multiplayer First-Person Sword Combat game. We’ve already tackled the multiplayer part of that (see Update 4), and the first-person part (see Update 7). Now we need to tackle the sword combat part of that. There was too much to put in just one update, so I split it into 2. This update is going to contain:

  1. The New Combat Loop
  2. Sword-Swinging
  3. Weapon Value Storage
  4. Hit Detection
  5. Networked Animation
  6. Blocking
  7. Weapon Sway
  8. Dropping and Swapping Swords
  9. Sheathing

and the next update will contain even more.

I hope y’all enjoy the video! -Frank
