By Frank “Weekie” Podraza

I run this website as well as

I built the original Nerd Herd Network website back in April of 2021. It was entirely built in HTML and CSS since that was all I knew. When I went to host the webpage on GitHub pages I saw information on Jekyll. I believed Jekyll was only for blogs and forwent it. Since everything was built in HTML the website was hard to add content to. It also didn’t look as good as I’d wanted it to.

In August of 2021, I looked into Jekyll again. While it had many blog features, it was much easier to add content since it was a static site generator and not a static site. It was much more akin to configuring a Minecraft server than writing a website. I found the Minimal Mistakes theme which I used for both and this website. The skins are different but the UI and layouts are the same. It is so much easier to add content to the websites now.

While I was upgrading the Nerd Herd Site I wanted to come up with a way for me to have a personal portfolio. Most of the Nerd Herd is what I’ve done. I decided to have two websites, which is why this website exists. This website is my personal portfolio/resume/CV. There is a lot of content parity between the two sites because I wrote both, but ultimately the Nerd Herd and myself are different entities.